TUC TIE Lab Interior Experiment

The experiment observed the reactions of the students when the room lights were switched off and the overcrowded room had no virtual stimuli at all. Interestingly, students observed only the salient parts (colorful, protruding elements) inside the non- mediated space. When the transition took place, a variety of objects was recognized, since most of the objects in the room were outlined. Colorizing and outlining the room components transforms them from mundane to perceptually salient, thus attentional selection processes were only focused on the mediated part of the room.

  • The purpose was to expose students to a mediated environment and compare engagement, memory, and attention between a mediated and a non- mediated room.



Konstantinos-Alketas Oungrinis
Marianthi Liapi
Nefeli Manoudaki
Iason Paterakis

© TUC TIE LAB 2018